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Do you charge a fixed fee, hourly rate, or by deliverable?

We charge a fixed fee for our services. Because of this, we have removed the uncertainty of your expenses, clearly outlining what is to be charged and reducing financial surprises. You may contact us at any time without the fear of increasing the cost of the search, and know that the quality of the search is guaranteed, since the fee is set and paid. This approach emphasizes the value of the services and our relationship, regardless of the time it takes to accomplish the goals to your satisfaction.

How is Capability Company different from a headhunter or contingency search firm?

A headhunter supplies the client with names of individuals that the headhunter knows and is working to place within an organization. In this scenario, the headhunter is not necessarily helping the organization find the right person, but rather promoting specific individuals. Since Capability Company contracts with the organization, not the individuals, this could be viewed as a conflict of interest. Although we maintain a database of contacts and often reach out to our networks to enhance an applicant pool in a search, we recognize that the organization is our client and that the organization will be making the hiring decision based on the best match. We support and represent the organization during the search process.

In a contingency search, the search firm is only compensated when the organization hires a candidate the search firm produces. In this scenario, the organization and search firm may actually be in competition, working against each other instead of collaboratively. A search firm working on contingency only provides candidates, not consulting, so the focus is on the individuals, not the organization. The search firm may not understand all the issues facing the organization when putting forth individuals for consideration. Unfortunately, this arrangement doesn't make for a very productive relationship. This is not the model used by Capability Company. We partner with organizations to meet their needs.

A good consultant who has entered into an agreement will partner with the client, helping the client prepare to hire by guiding administrative functions and expertly supporting the client through each step of the search process. That's why it is to the advantage of the organization to retain a consultant whose focus is on meeting the organization’s needs, not placing jobseekers.

What if we aren't satisfied with the applicant pool?

Capability Company's goal is to help you find the person best suited for you and your organization. If the first applicants are unsatisfactory, we work with you to identify where the problem is and recommend appropriate adjustments to advertising and outreach, description of the position, presentation of the organization, or definition of the ideal candidate. The bottom line is this: we keep looking until you are satisfied.

I'm a candidate interested in exploring new opportunities. How do I let Capability Company know about my interest?

If there is a specific position on our website that interests you, follow the directions at the bottom of the position profile to submit your credentials. Also, you can sign up for our monthly ezine here. When you sign up for this list, you'll also receive specific position announcements when they become available. You can email your resume to us to be included in our contact database.

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